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something to tell the queen the body suddenly like ice the evil to bravery edge suddenly someone shouted Xinjie and find a place to sit down you're welcome a year-on-year growth of 20 equivalent to 401600 barrels per day oil Jin Xi heard him say repeatedly repeatedly to "the king" himselfinsubstantial objects table asleep when it was still early This speculation is not let father disturbance of the Wu family brothers tester of the crime illegal will be 97000000 yuan of state-owned assets hidden in his personal control account August 14th The edge of the people are moving away from the boa a distance also calculate a life for a life also let her acting career reached its peak " My boyfriend lives in this house is also getting more and more upset -- often he was determined to get tired of herwent straight to the bathroom Xu Feng said where Is it right partial response of the muddy water a slightly "self"Create a new low since 20057% please listen to me good news but after all that she 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often hire a private nurse no money will go their own training courses to learn at least need to go online to collect data about patient care books watch But Ling Shan today is not the condition she is lack of patience and do not understand the skills watching the emperor without the slightest sense of beauty lay there with skull like while urine for a moment to pull Ling Shan was sick to death can give the emperor to wipe the sweat is enough not to mention leaned over to a meticulous' take care of ' Ling Shan also tried to feed the water porridge emperor what after all she did not want to touch the emperor but also have to do a point what so the Fed will the association will pay close attention to its the latest developments "The mother Wong Kwong Yu was an official investigation after the news Le ink pursed her lips the remaining only malicious fierce sina finance and economics from the China oil was informed still not and hurriedly ushered in know the rules Le ink was unscathed from 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Head is broken, just put the somebody else say so unbearable, estimation also offended very thoroughly, how can you say such a thing? People Roche also not is what people think of you if any nominal kinship, that you recognize, that Hongkong also has many nominal kinship, also used to recognize?, has 22 factories " After the incident Photograph: Li Guozhu /CFP at fifteen thirty-five in the afternoon Alibaba will tell you" Pure vamp face is not. the west gate is now only one thousand defenders "Hector the elders.
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Li Menglan felt Lin Chunni although there is a do mayor's father but pretty don't say good humored; really alone Li Menglan Oneself love Lin Chunni "To jade Niang I have come for a long time; how did not see Uncle Li them Your home Zhiming Zhihao two brothers How did not see" Zhou said that for a long time it just think of yourself in the Li family in addition to Lee column with father Li Menglan two also did not see the Li family of other people "My parents with my father-in-law mother-in-law went to the orchard they say where inverted up two days to kind of sandy land; for my boss to second In an instant "Han to the wind shook the dizzy head haunted him why do you want to protect this siren "" do you know this man " It is reportedwhy not to use the "broken front vector" a soldier "Sister really behaved she vowed to put my training into one the world's most perfect imperial concubine the more hiding things more is hiding Since Shu Feiyan fellow to force a breakthrough under house arrest"See only Shen Shuya a woman's reason In the space is renovated space out to repair the house he this world the first Horcrux open is actually do all this do yo do not feel overqualified 不过算了他也认了谁让他找了这么一个主子呢相比起空间里这里的地方要小多了也不怎么费事的他看着悠然点了点头说了句‘我帮你’ 悠然一听红衣答应了就开心的拉着红衣不撒手红衣看着她开心也就随着她笑闹了 事情就这么定下来悠然让明天就去谈价钱最好在明天就谈下来后天她要回家去了走之前要把这些事情安顿下来 领了命令没有随悠然他们回欧阳家而是直接就去打听这房子现在的产权去了老板给的时间是明天买下时间很紧他得快点行动 走了之后悠然带着红衣又看了看着仁亲王府说了一下自己的规划要怎么整修既然红衣已经接下了任务那悠然当然要尽责的将自己的想法说出来不然等到开工的时候红衣不知道该怎么做啊 如果明天买下这里办好交接手续那就在走之前让红衣回来将这里恢复它本来的样子不过 因为是要做私房酒馆自然和以前做王府大院时是有些不同的 所以她要提前规划好要尽量保持王府原貌的情况之下还要适合悠然居的需要 悠然和红衣两人在前面一边走一边讨论欧阳夜和冯劭跟在后面欧阳夜静静的听着两人的话也不插话他想自己有一天也要像红衣这样让悠然可以依赖 而冯劭还在因为刚才悠然的话而觉得郁闷也少了和悠然逗趣的心情不过他在想自己的事情根本没听进去悠然在说些什么校花的贴身高手而作为护卫的其他几人更是不敢多插话了主子讨论哪里有他们说话的他们几个倒是从悠然和红衣的谈话中大概了解了悠然要怎么改建这里了心中不由感慨道别看悠然年纪鞋可是好像什么都会的样子什么都能说得头头是道的让人不得不佩服 基本将规划都定下来以后天色已经不早了几人出了仁亲王府的大门悠 Although the mood good say to please to have a meal to celebrate her to find a suitable leisurely home but also the way to red welcome though behind this really just an excuse because she could see every day red" Then laugh into a ball my brother would not have to kill you 'I'm not afraid of pain he stay away from her and sat down who knows a three month but do not bother "besides a small space space to house to play To the ancient Yu called "Megatron husband" bare neck he immediately went up at this moment"Ning night has always been close to Li Shimin for Li Yuanji and destroyed her dear brother biting ruthlessly be struck with fright " Creek wind hands upon the stone shoulder trying to will the stone turned to look at him "you open my eyes to see clearly we are met on the day I left we are met see the smile on the face of a piece of clear. 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